Join the Vermon Group team!

At Vermon, we don’t just offer jobs; we offer career pathways that encourage growth, learning, and significant contributions to cutting-edge solutions.

From research and engineering to production and support, we provide a range of opportunities for you to explore and excel in your field.

Join the Vermon Group team!

Explore Current Opportunities

Browse our latest job openings below and find your perfect fit.

Our dynamic work environment offers growth opportunities and the chance to be part of cutting-edge technological advancements.

Currently, there are no open positions available.

However, we encourage you to join our talent community.

Join Our Talent Community!

Interested in future roles at Vermon Group?

Email us using the contact form with your resume and a brief description of your interest.

Even if you don’t see the perfect job today, we are always looking to engage with potential future colleagues who share our vision and passion.