Our Quality Policy

Driving Excellence in Ultrasound Probe and Transducer Manufacturing

At Vermon Group, we take pride in our commitment to excellence in the manufacturing of ultrasound probes and transducers. Our Quality Policy is the cornerstone of our operations, and it reflects our unwavering dedication to ensuring the highest standards of quality, safety, and environmental responsibility.

Quality at the Backbone of Our Operations

Vermon Group prioritizes quality as the central element of its operations, particularly in the manufacturing of sub-systems for medical devices. The company’s Quality Policy is a core principle influencing all decisions and activities.

This commitment to quality ensures the highest standards of safety, environmental responsibility, and customer satisfaction, forming the foundation of Vermon Group’s reputation and operational excellence.

Quality at the Backbone of Our Operations

ISO 13485 Certification

Vermon Group has maintained ISO 13485:2016 certification since 2007, emphasizing its commitment to quality for produced ultrasound probes and transducers.

This certification highlights Vermon’s dedication to meeting stringent regulatory requirements and delivering safe, effective products. Our quality management system oversees the product lifecycle from design to post-market surveillance, ensuring compliance with performance, safety, and applicable standards.

ISO 14001 Certification

Environmental responsibility is a fundamental part of our Quality Policy. Vermon Group has been ISO 14001 certified since 2006, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices in ultrasound probe and transducer manufacturing. We continually strive to minimize our ecological footprint and promote eco-conscious manufacturing.

Dedicated Quality Team

Our dedicated quality team comprises 20 experienced professionals. They ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety and drive a culture of continuous improvement.